TROUTin’ Around McClancy


Ms. Samantha Colon, Editor-in-chief

Thanks to the support of the Catskill Watershed Corporation Grant, we were able to not only bring 100 students upstate to release the trout we raised last year, but the grant funded the purchase of the Enviroscape Watershed / Nonpoint Source Model with the case for easy transport to other classrooms and locations. This was an excellent help with our Living Environment curriculum. In New York State our board of Regents has changed the old biology regent’s curriculum to include environmental science, and this model helped our young students grasp the abstract concepts this model thoroughly covers. The students found the experience enriching and enlightening. We first introduced this model at our open house where over 500 families were able to see the Enviroscape Watershed/Nonpoint Source Model in use!

This year, our trout eggs have already hatched!  It is always so fascinating to watch the embryos grow from eyed eggs to the hatched alevin stage. Now, we have seen their yolks disappear and this week they are growing into healthy little fish! McClancy has put over 700 baby trout into our own Hudson River watershed with the help of the New York City Department of Environmental Protection and the Catskill Watershed Corporation. Our small contribution helps to keep our own drinking water clean!