When you think of Valentine’s Day, the first things that come to mind are roses, chocolates, and lots of red and pink. However, beyond the modern celebrations, the holiday has a fascinating history that may make it even more meaningful to you.
Valentine’s Day is named after St. Valentine, the patron saint of love. The history of this saint is not well known, but there is one popular belief of St. Valentine’s story. Under Claudius II’s rule of Rome from 268 to 270 AD, marriage between young people was prohibited. This was because Claudius II believed men performed better as soldiers if they had no attachments to a romantic partner. St. Valentine, a priest and later on bishop, disagreed with this, believing strongly in the power of love under God. Thus, St. Valentine secretly married young couples and aided Christians who were being persecuted by Claudius. When Claudius found out, he immediately sentenced St. Valentine to death and commanded that he renounce his faith. St. Valentine refused and died around the year 270 AD. According to some stories, before his execution, St. Valentine left a note to his own lover signed “From Your Valentine.”
Since then, St. Valentine’s story has been adapted into a day of love throughout history. By the Middle Ages, Valentine’s Day became associated with romance because of the story and also due to the belief that birds began mating in mid-February. By the 18th and 19th centuries, exchanging handwritten love notes became common, evolving into the mass production of Valentine’s Day cards in the 1800s. The practice spread worldwide, and today, the holiday is celebrated with cards, chocolates, flowers, and romantic gestures.
As Catholics, we can see this holiday as a way to express our love for our family, friends, and faith. Knowing the history of Valentine’s Day only strengthens the power of the holiday and makes it more personal to us in our faith. Happy Valentine’s Day!