McClancy High School held a dress down day on Wednesday October 20, 2023. All the funds made from the dress down are going to be donated to breast cancer research. McClancy often donates to greater causes; for example, last month McClancy donated the funds from its previous dress down to Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disorder Research.
Breast cancer is a serious disease most common in women. One in every thirty nine people die from breast cancer a year. Some early symptoms to notice are lumps in the breast, swelling, irritation, or redness. If you notice any of these signs, take action immediately and go to a doctor; you can never be too safe! There are other ways to check for breast cancer, like getting a mammogram.
Alternative methods can be made to reduce the chance of getting breast cancer. Some useful tips include maintaining a healthy weight, staying physically active, and having an overall balanced schedule. Breast cancer is a serious disease which too many suffer from. Each day we take a step closer to finding a cure for this disease. McClancy is doing a great thing by donating all the funds from the dress down to breast cancer research!
Source: https://www.cancer.org/cancer/types/breast-cancer.html