Diana’s performance proved to be spectacular for this year’s first competition. “A Good Day” painted a vivid picture of life’s simple pleasures, reminding the audience that beauty can be found in the mundane. Her emotional delivery of “Explaining My Depression to My Mother” sheds light on the often unspoken struggles of mental health, leaving a rather meaningful message for the audience to interpret themselves.
But what was glaringly shown was the absence of fellow club members. Diana Curiso stood alone as the representative of the McClancy Debate/Speech Club. Her decision to participate solo deserves commendation for its courage and dedication, but it also raises the question of the club’s membership.
Indeed, the competition emphasized the club’s need for more participants. The strength of any debate or speech club lies in the diversity of its voices and the perspectives it can bring to people. With more members, the McClancy Debate/Speech Club could deliver a broader spectrum of topics and better represent the school on the competitive stage.
The leader of the club, Sean O’Connell, is a dedicated educator whose commitment to mentoring and guiding students in the art of public speaking is exceptional. Mr. O’Connell’s leadership has set the stage for the club’s success, but for that potential to be realized, more students must come to the call to join and share their unique voices.
In conclusion, the first competition of the year at the Mary Louis Academy showcased the talent of Diana Curiso but also underscored the pressing need for an expanded membership within the McClancy Debate/Speech Club. With additional voices, the club can continue to profoundly impact the world of debate and speech. Mr. O’Connell’s passion and leadership have paved the way, but it now falls to the students to seize the opportunity and make their voices resonate.
The competition at Mary Louis Academy was more than just a performance; it was a call to action, a reminder of the transformative power of words, and an invitation for students to come together and be part of something greater.