Many, to most teenagers, deal with mental health and school can have a giant impact on it. Mental health is our social, mental well-being. Mental health can impact our mood, thoughts, and our behavior towards others. With the new school year getting back into full swing it can cause stress and anxiety for many kids and teens. Whether it’s because you are stressed with exams, or finding friends to sit at lunch with, or studying. Whatever is causing your mental health to go downhill. There are so many ways to try and control and better help our mental health.
Before you can better help your mental health you must learn about your conditions; picking at your nails, becoming forgetful, unexplained pains, having little to no energy, or your leg bouncing up and down uncontrollably. Once you start to notice these signs of anxiety and learn how they are affecting you mentally, you can get a better understanding on how to help yourself. Some ways to learn about your symptoms are by asking a medical professional or therapist about your symptoms and how you can take back control of your mental health. It is also good to remember that there is no shame in asking for help, it’s actually a good thing. This is because you are taking back control of your mental health and not letting any school stress or anything like that get the best of you.
Once you get a better understanding of your symptoms and how they’re affecting your mental health, then you can practice ways to boost better mental health. A few ways to improve your mental health are to do self care, each well rounded meals, get at least eight hours of sleep, and talk to family and friends or a medical professional. These are just some of the many ways to benefit your mental health. As I stated before, school is one of the number one causes of a downfall in mental health, but that doesn’t mean you have to let it control you or your mental health. School is a safe place to learn and have fun. Yes, it may be stressful at some points but just remember to breathe and keep pushing through.
Sources: https://members.believeperform.com/product/9-positive-mental-health-habits-to-try-and-maintain-each-week/ https://www.samhsa.gov/mental-health